Management system as per DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015 In accordance with TÜV NORD CERT procedures, it is hereby certified that
Rüscho Schotenröhr GmbH Westring 225 44579 Castrop-Rauxel German
applies a management system in line with the above standard for the following scope Development, production and distribution of flow controller systems, sanitary equipment, snow plow cratz systems, winter service equipment and fasson turned parts
Certificate Registration No. 04 100 970368 Audit Report No. 3521 3691 Certification Body at TÜV NORD CERT GmbH This certification was conducted in accordance with the TÜV NORD CERT auditing and certification procedures and is TÜV NORD CERT GmbH 45141 Essen Langemarckstraße 20